The destructive years and our legal system

Stephan Shahinian
9 min readApr 21, 2023


I decided to write few more articles to document my story, so in case I somehow disappear in our legal system, there is a record of the events.

In this article, I will discuss an incident that occurred in my family on Thanksgiving 2021 and my experiences with our legal system.

In previous articles, I had told the story of how a primitive, uncivilized mob on FB had attempted to harm me with diseases, while I was going through a five year health battle with an auto-immune disorder.

I was severely traumatized by this event because it was already difficult enough to deal with a five-year, intense health battle, then I also had to deal with a mob trying to harm me with diseases during that time.

On Thanksgiving 2021, few months after I was traumatized from this disease war, I was at my parents house.

At some point on Thanksgiving, my Dad was being abusive to my Mom while they were in the kitchen area.

He was yelling at her and was being really mean.

He has been abusive to her all their marriage.

It is something that always irritated me.

He has unprocessed, childhood trauma and hence has an abusive personality.

And she has gotten used to it over the years and just accepts it.

Usually when he is abusive to her and I am around, I try to tell him to leave her alone.

But on this day, because I was highly traumatized and irritated from the disease war I had experienced and because he was being abusive to her on Thanksgiving, which goes against the spirit of the holiday, I pushed him to interfere.

He accidentally fell and hurt his wrist. This was completely unexpected for me, because I didn’t think he would fall this easily or hurt his wrist.

When I realized that his wrist was hurt, I called an ambulance and they came and evaluated his wrist and took him to the hospital.

At the hospital they must have asked him what happened and he mentioned that my son pushed me and I fell.

Few hours later the police was at our door and arrested me and took me to a jail facility in Marina Del Rey.

I spent few hours in jail on Thanksgiving and managed to get bailed out.

I was charged with felony elders abuse.

This is a charge from a California law that protects people over 65 from physical or emotional abuse.

Few months later I had to be in criminal court for arraignment.

Before the proceedings, I had a discussion with a court representative, because I wanted to tell the story of how a mob attempted to harm me with diseases during a health battle, because I thought this was instrumental to the case and significantly contributed to my reaction.

I wanted to tell them that I was the actual victim in this case.

So they can get a full idea of what occurred in this mob phenomenon prior to the incident.

Because of this story the criminal court referred me to the mental health court.

At the mental health court I had to talk to a medical representative for an evaluation and she asked me what happened.

I asked her, do you want the full truth.

She said, yes.

So I told the story in detail and also how prior to the incident a mob on FB had attempted to harm me with diseases, during a health battle, by spreading false rumors and trying to set me up.

So I was exposed to diseases for the first time in my life.

She didn’t like that I used the word diseases, instead of mental health.

The result of her evaluation was that I am unfit for trial and they decided to reevaluate me in a month again.

This time it was another medical representative and I asked again if she wants the full truth.

And told the story again.

The evaluation deemed me unfit for trial again, because I used the word diseases instead of mental health and talked in much detail.

Interestingly, if you are deemed unfit for trial twice at the mental health court and are charged with a felony, the next step is sending you to a mental health facility for forced medication, as they call it a diversion program.

To me this sounded outrageous.

They wanted to force medicate me, because I spoke the truth, which I thought was instrumental to the case.

How else would they get a complete picture of the incident, if I cannot speak the truth about what happened prior?

For the case to have a correct trial, I needed the freedom to tell the entire truth in full detail, so they could get an idea of what occurred prior to the event.

I was the actual victim of an attack by an uncivilized, primitive mob, that attempted to harm me during a health battle, and this was one of the most uncivilized phenomena one can ever imagine, that needed some form of evaluation, analysis and justice.

In addition, this referral to a mental health facility happens without any actual trial, all just based on a mental evaluation from a medical representative. So there is no way even to evaluate if there is any substance to the felony charge itself.

If we look at this scientifically, I am evolutionary biologically wired to protect my mother. This is the case for all animals.

So I reacted on my evolutionary instinct, which in some sense I have limited control over.

I actually think I deserve a medal for protecting my Mom on Thanksgiving after she had to deal with decades of abusive marriage.

But here I was charged with a crime and the court wanted to send me to some facility for forced medication.

And ironically, the mental health facility that they wanted to send me to houses many other people, who were charged with felony and deemed unfit for trial. This sounded really dangerous for my health, because I would be in a communal facility with them and I have no idea what the other people’s felony charges were for or what diseases these people have.

Given that all this was initiated because a mob had attempted to harm my health, it seemed absurd that now the legal system would put my health at risk again.

So if some primitive members of our society attempt to harm my health with diseases during a health battle and in the process I am traumatized and overreact when I have to protect my Mom and an accident occurs, then there is a chance that the legal system may put my health at risk even more.

So it was not enough that the mob had harmed my health and exposed me to diseases for the first time in my life.

This sounds somewhat counter-productive and absurd.

To me I am the actual victim of this case, because my Dad’s wrist has long healed but I still have to process the trauma of the disease war I had experienced.

In addition, my Mom had to already deal with 40 years of abusive marriage and there had to be some way to bring attention to it, so my Dad becomes more civilized.

When we think about our legal system we have to consider its actual goal, which is justice based on complete truth and common sense.

So clearly the legal system was malfunctioning and not satisfying its objective, because there was no way to tell the complete truth, use common sense to seek justice.

The proceedings continued at the mental health court, while they were trying to delay the process, because they didn’t know how to deal with it.

I never had a criminal record, was one of the most valuable members of society, as I had helped the US space program as an engineer, had started two positive impact startups and was actually protecting my Mom against abuse.

To make sure that this malfunction of the legal system does not get too out of control and somehow escalates, I reached out to former president Barrack Obama, former LA Mayor Garcetti, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Jeff Bezos, hoping that these people can integrate more common sense into the process.

All I wanted is the ability to tell the complete truth so the court knows the full story and justice really occurs.

Ironically, this entire incident with the disease war and the event on Thanksgiving is just putting a toll on my family and somehow the toll seems to be increasing, because of the legal system, which should not be the goal.

Also because of this charge the court put a restraining order against me going to my parents house, but given that I am dealing with the first disease trauma of my life, I need my family/Mom more than ever during this time, to help me get through this time period of trauma.

Over the following year, I continued periodically appearing at the mental health court, while they were processing/preparing my entrance into that facility. During this time while waiting, I had to sit and observe proceedings at the mental health court for other defendants.

It was one of the most absurd experiences, because the court is for mental health related incidents, so everyone in the courtroom knows what it is about but no one is allowed to talk about it.

That was interesting to observe.

The proceedings continued for about a year.

Then in April 2023 I was in court again.

At this point the time had arrived to take me to the hospital.

I tried to resist by saying that my mental health is fine and I don’t think I need to go to hospital.

Because it had been a year since my last evaluation, I was given the opportunity to have another mental evaluation.

This time it was a male doctor.

I had decided not to say a single word about diseases and just say that I had been dealing with some mental health issues during the time of the incident.

He asked me some questions.

Initially the evaluation was going well, because I had decided not to say a single world about diseases. He kept trying to prob me by asking what I mean by mental health and why am I better now.

I did not fall for it and just said time has passed, things have improved.

Then we discussed the incident with the elders abuse case and he said that my situation is grave, because based on the charges I could face up to 13 years in state prison, partially because it was charged as felony and also my Dad is over 70, which makes the punishment more severe.

I said, I am aware but the charges are exaggerated and hopefully during a trial they will understand the real situation.

Then he read the last mental evaluation report from a year prior, which stated that I had reached out to Elon Musk and Barrack Obama.

He asked me about it and I said yes, because I was worried that the situation would get out of control, I had tried to reach some people that could interfere.

He said, that sounds like grandiosity, because a normal person would just talk to a lawyer.

I said, of course I would talk to a lawyer, but just in case it gets out of control, I tried to reach some powerful people to see if they can help me.

He said, these are signs of grandiosity and delusion, because why would these people interfere.

We had a discussion and I was trying to explain to him that I had nothing to lose if I attempted to get some higher level attention to the case.

Then he also read the part in the last report that I had said that I was a victim of a disease war.

He stated that this sounded like paranoia.

I didn’t say anything.

He continued discussing the part with reaching out to the top as unreasonable.

He started feeling a power trip and somehow wanted to maintain his position and view.

I realized that some of these evaluations can be very biased, because these people get power trips and want to feel important.

The irony was that both of my statements were true and there was nothing wrong with it.

It is also possible that he was offended, because at some point when he asked why Elon Musk and Barrack Obama would care about me, I said I am one of the best aerospace engineers in the country, helped the US Space Program and graduate at the top of the aerospace engineering department at Stanford.

Who knows how people handle the truth, if it sounds somewhat unusual.



Stephan Shahinian
Stephan Shahinian

Written by Stephan Shahinian

The Oracle — Financial Markets, Macro-Economics, Identifying Geniuses, Forecasting Future

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