We Need to Protect Geniuses from Health Violence

Stephan Shahinian
3 min readAug 22, 2021


This article discusses intentional health-violence against geniuses. This is more important nowadays, since the densifying social graphs are significantly amplifying many aspects of health-violence on geniuses.

If one analyzes history and current society for all types of violence against geniuses, five dominant modes emerge.

  1. Physical violence
  2. Psychological violence
  3. Reputation violence
  4. Health violence
  5. Performance sabotage

Throughout their lives, geniuses experience about 10X higher total violence than other humans. This violence is continuous and can occur across all five modes.

Health violence is probably one of the most important sources of violence that we need to discuss.

In our current Covid environment and with the proliferation of other infectious diseases in a hyper-globalized world, this issue is becoming even more important.

Especially, in a newly emerging social graph world, where people remain connected to most people they meet in their lives, the phenomenon will only amplify.

Unfortunately, health violence is not regulated by law and is therefore one of the main ways to significantly harm a genius.

For several reasons geniuses are much more susceptible to intentional, health violence. Here are few:

  • Since geniuses are so lucky to be born geniuses, they have very little experience with envy and are therefore unaware how strongly that emotion can affect others. They are likely to underestimate what harmful actions others can commit just due to envy
  • Since geniuses tend to have stronger morals and ethics than most other humans, geniuses are less likely to imagine how far people will go to harm others. In a sense, geniuses are naive about the baseness and cruelty level of others. Geniuses tend to be more principled and hence have a sociological blindspot
  • Since many people are envious of geniuses and don’t mind seeing them suffer, people are less likely to warn geniuses about potential perpetrators of health violence or about modes of health violence
  • Since geniuses are much more consumed with their own world and tend to operate in a state of creative trance, they are less likely to pay attention to certain dangerous developments in their surrounding
  • Since geniuses tend to be a center of attention and are envied by many, several people may collude to expose a genius to health violence
  • Sometimes someone from the opposite sex may attempt to intentionally infect a genius with an STD to tie the genius down for the future
  • Driven by envy, many people are more likely to intentionally infect a genius with a disease just to incapacitate the genius in some way
  • As you can see there are several reasons why geniuses are much more susceptible and more frequently exposed to health violence. Especially collusion phenomena can be difficult for a genius to navigate.

Because social graphs are densifying, many of these phenomena are growing, as they have forcing functions and strong feed-back loops.

Collectively, these phenomena constitute a violation of a geniuses basic human rights!

Even if we look at few historical geniuses the questions arise - was Mozart’s health harmed intentionally when he died so young, was Kafka intentionally infected with tuberculosis, was Nietzsche intentionally infected with syphilis, did Ramanujan experience health violence when he died so young? Did Pablo Picasso or Steve Jobs experience any intentional health violence?

Even independent of these historical geniuses, the sociological, genius-phobic attack-vector overall points into the direction of harm.

Health violence specifically can be detrimental and could impact a geniuses capacity or desire to significantly contribute to society.

Geniuses are evolution’s gifts to humanity and are the ones that solve the most difficult problems and thereby move the human race forward. They are global treasures and ideally need to be protected from all types of violence.

Protecting geniuses from health-violence is some of the best investment humanity can make into the future.

To be continued…



Stephan Shahinian

The Oracle — Financial Markets, Macro-Economics, Identifying Geniuses, Forecasting Future